Who doesn’t want these lightbulbs? Perfect for setting the mood.
Great idea. Solves a real problem. Disruptive thinking. Beautiful website.
Dollar Shave Club
Great Idea. Great Video. Fantastic Business Model. Very Disruptive.
E-Commerce in China
Now a days if your business has website you are selling to the whole world. That said you should be planing your e-commerce strategy into China. In case your still doubting the size of the Chinese market…BCG forecasts there’ll be 280 million(the population of the US) affluent consumers in China with a disposable income of $20K to […]
Martin Jacques: Understanding the rise of China
This is an excellent video about the rise of China.
Interactive Transparent Display – Coming to iPhone 5?
Ok so there has been a lot of talk about the iPhone 5. One of the features that has been rumored is an “iclear retina display” (essentially an interactive glass phone). If you havent seen this video, check it out. Props to Dakota Adney for making a sweet concept video. Apparently, he is 17 years old and clearly has some […]
Teaching Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
Throughout my studies at Clark University and American University, it has become apparent that foreign aid has had mixed effects on “lifting” counties out of poverty and/or into economic development. Many times foreign aid doesnt reach the people it is meant for due to corruption, greed, and/or inefficient distribution models. Not to mention, many countries have become relient on foreign aid and expect it […]