E-Commerce in China

Now a days if your business has website you are selling to the whole world. That said you should be planing your e-commerce strategy into China. In case your still doubting the size of the Chinese market…BCG forecasts there’ll be 280 million(the population of the US) affluent consumers in China with a disposable income of $20K to […]

In China it Pays (Literally) to Follow People on Twitter/Weibo

Your new car is made in China! “Billionaire and philanthropist Chen Guangbiao stands on the roof of a new car he bought in the eastern city of Nanjing yesterday. Chen spent about 5 million yuan (US$794,252) in purchasing new cars, all Chinese brands, for the 43 owners of Japanese cars that were damaged last month […]

National Day of the People’s Republic of China

National Day of the People’s Republic of China (October 1st 2012) Nanjing Road, Shanghai China National Day is considered one of Chinas “Great Migrations”… you may be able to tell why:)